Wednesday, May 16, 2012


megamegacosmicrake blasted JACKAL back into the sckyscrappimg building behind him it fell over and collapsed on him but Patrick teleported behind megamegacosmicrake but megamegacosmicrake already saw it in  the future and he blasted wehere the portal was going to be it knocked Patrick so fa r back from him Showtime jumped and knifed to megamegacosmicrake through his chest wounding him but it broke open his chest a little and released for the megapower within shooting Showtime with megacosmic energy and blasting it back but Showtime traveled back before it in time and threw a exploder knife into the crack but it blew him back to and megamegacosmicrake advanced with so much power on us to kill us for all i was standing on top of the maskycopter i sniped megamegacosmiocrake with my maskyrifle it didnt hurt him but it distracted of his attention and Seedeater came up behind him and grabbed his head and slammed into it with his claws again and again it caused so much blood and pain for megamegacosmicrake the n megamegacosmicrake said "okay thats it time for the megablasting explosion and the death of you all!" he charged up a megablasting explosion but Patrick teloported us out from the blast zone just in time to avoid death by it

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